Friday, March 14, 2014

Pi(e) Day Treat: Sage-Infused Blueberry Pie (From the Archives)

I promise to break away from the herb+dessert posts soon, but this is one of the tastiest pie recipes I've come across, and today is Pi(e) Day, so I felt compelled to share. I originally piloted this sage-infused blueberry pie in February 2012. The one mistake I made that time around was opting for store-bought crust and canned blueberries. In my defense, I was inspired to make this recipe on a whim and in a tight time-frame, so that excuses the pre-made pie crust...partly...right? And at least my error reinforced the obvious fact that fresh is always better. All of this apologizing is not to say that the finished product wasn't just could have been so much more so.

I'd recently received a mezzaluna as a gift, and this might have been the first time I put it to use. Those sage leaves didn't stand a chance.

My shameful, store-bought blueberries were much improved upon the addition of herbs. In hindsight, a squeeze of lemon wouldn't have hurt either. Next time I'll know better.

The lining and filling stages. I am perennially challenged by the crust-lining process when I make 4oz pies. Keeping the depth of the crust uniform is important for even baking, and I always seem to end up with thin spots. These two seem to be pretty okay. 

My crust tops, all cut out and ready to be set in place. Thank goodness Hobby Lobby exists to satisfy all of my tiny cookie cutting needs.

ProTip: Use the ring part of the jar lids to cut out a properly-sized top crust.

Fancy little blueberry sage guys ready to go in the oven. Except...

ProTip: Don't be like me and forget to give the crust an eggwash and generous sprinkling of coarse sugar before putting your pies in to bake.

This is the best-looking of my final 4oz pies. The rest seem to have been slightly overfilled, and the stars were deformed into decidedly un-cute, mostly unrecognizable blobs. Still tasty though! 

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